Huntdown ios
Huntdown ios

There are 20 levels in total and each has a boss to defeat at the end. Huntdown is a fun side-scrolling action game with a 80's retro style and tons of pop-cultural references and one liners and it's well worth Huntdown is a fun side-scrolling action game with a 80's retro style and tons of pop-cultural references and one liners and it's well worth playing through.


Everything this title sets out to do, it does brilliantly! Full of humour, personality and solid game-play, this is a must for anyone looking to jump into a new 2D shooter. It all contains the right balance of challenge and fun, making this a stand out of the genre. Once pumping through mass amount of enemies in each level, you are met with a boss fight that requires you to learn attack patterns on the fly. The game-play is a high octane roller coaster, but not too chaotic that it becomes overwhelming. It should go without saying, the overall atmosphere creates the perfect setting for a 2D side scrolling shooter.

huntdown ios

So what we get is something of a mix between the Warriors mashed together with Blade Runner and maybe a sprinkle of Total Recall. Yet at the same time, maintains it's own identity as the plot is centred around your bounty hunter thrown into a gang riddled sci-fi city. The 80's feel is no accident of course, as the Huntdown wears a lot of it's influences on it's sleeve. Even the cheesy one liners from the main characters fit the bill.

huntdown ios

Along with all this is the exception music and sounds, all of which feel ripped straight from an 80's sci-fi action movie. So much so, that every encounter feels unique due to various attack patterns and comedic banter. And the character animation flows vibrantly, bringing a lot of originality to each enemy and boss. The visuals in this game are outstanding! The background is full of life as you move from level to level. But Huntdown pulls it off with incredible style and substance while poking fun at the same time. But Huntdown pulls it off with incredible style and substance while poking fun at the same No shortage of games that rock the retro aesthetic.

huntdown ios

No shortage of games that rock the retro aesthetic.

Huntdown ios